June 21, 2019November 22, 2022Blog Flash Mob Law Flash mobs are large public performances that are unexpected and often involve unusual behavior, like dancing in the streets and people dressed […]
June 21, 2019November 22, 2022Blog Back to the Future Due to communication innovations of the 21st century (e.g., Internet, social networking, video chat, etc.), lawyers are being forced back to a […]
June 21, 2019November 22, 2022Blog One Word That Will Reinvent How You Serve Clients “Lawyer” is one of just two nouns in the English language that take on a negative meaning when turned into an adjective […]
June 21, 2019November 22, 2022Blog Don’t Just Communicate 2MATT Spiegel-3 I will be talking about how to get away from traditional lines of communication and give clients the attention that they deserve […]
June 21, 2019November 22, 2022Blog Client Service Design Lawyers can build a more profitable and satisfying practice by designing their business to serve their best clients better. In this presentation, […]